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Wednesday, January 30

The State of the Ridicule

Classic Jon Stewart on Bush.

He does the best Bush caricature, better than Steve Bell's. And the cheer when he says 'last State of the Union' is something to behold.

  • Rep. Chris Shays (R-Conn.) explains 'Why I kissed President Bush'

  • Stewart hacks up 'the Democrat response' hilariously too.

    All round great show as he's also on form batting against historical anecdote queen, presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.


    One anecdote from this year to be recorded for history was Bush performing the rite of 'pass the phone' - where you go up to someone on the phone and say "tell them 'X' celebrity says 'hi'".

    At the State of The Union it was Bush to the very gay Democrat congressman, elder and power broker Barney Frank:

    "Tell him I said, 'Hello,' ''

    Him, in this case, being Barney's Bf.

    Barney rushed back over and said:

    "Mr. President, by the way, the person I was talking to when you said to say hello was my boyfriend.'

    "Well. I hope you said how open-minded I am,'' Frank said the president replied.

    "I considered telling [the president] I wouldn't marry him,'' Frank said, "but then I thought, 'Nah.' ''

    'Open-minded' must be Mary Cheney's doing and very 'State of the Union'.


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