V2 Day - how social media is helping roil Italian politics
Colin McKay plugs a new movement in Italy to change their dire politics and media. Featuring the fabulous Beppe Grillo ("Imagine Robin Williams, but with a lot more impact on the electorate."). and numerous links.- CellBazaar: A SMS Marketplace in Bangladesh
Imagine you're in Bangladesh and you want to buy a cow [I know, just so easy to imagine]. You pull your mobile phone out of your pocket and start sending text messages to 3838, the shortcode for CellBazaar, a mobile phone marketplace which some have called the "Craigslist of Bangladesh." You look through the relevant ads and look at the ages, locations, and number of teeth of the 187 cows that are currently for sale. After another SMS, you are connected with the phone number of the the seller, ready to make your new purchase. - BBC Homepage Two Months On
Widgets are a'coming. Better not be endless Gavin'n'Stacey promos ... - The Best Copyright-Free and Government Video Libraries
From the US, quality variable but some of very high production values. They seem to have some sort of corporate deal with RealPlayer though and nothing's embeddable (except Condi's greatest hits), or copied to YouTube ... they're behind Gordon Brown! - Customer insight and technology
The eGov Minister puts his size 12 in it by pushing NHS choices and ignoring PatientOpinion. At least he's blogging about it so he can told. That's progress. - Pentagon Suspends Military Media Analysts Program
The power of the New York Times when it girds its loins. - A paper to sum up the discussion on this blog
Not the best title in the universe but interesting stuff on Benchmarking in gov 2.0. - Murdoch The Google Monger?
"There's a very interesting dynamic going on there in that world where Google is going forward, marching forward, with tremendous momentum," Murdoch said. - Obama Supporters Using Wiki to Reach Superdelegates, Text Messages to Reach Your Momma
- A Google Prototype for a Precision Image Search
They're throwing a lot at it but it appears to be an unreachable goal. - Press releases: spin and propaganda
HT: Mr Gould. The public aren't fools, most PR assumes they are. - Answers to the judge’s questions
James Ball re-asks a Judge's questions to journalists on how they understand the real nature of crime in the UK - it's usually widely wrong. - Google Maps Now Offers Traffic Predictions
- What the world (and his dog) is thinking about the London Mayoral elections
Really good but very late tool from Delib which is tracking blog opinion - a UK first I think?
Not on Reader
- B
ill Vs Barack
Really bitchy yet oddly touching overview from the New Yorker on the spousest with the leastest who's 'out of time' in a 15' soundbite era. - Last week's Jeremiah Wright interview on Bill Moyers (PBS) (part 1 of six, other parts)
Gives a proper context and background. The more I see, the more I like. Wonderful line to Moyers about 'you go to Nigeria and they're wearing a tie in 140 degree Fahrenheit weather because they think that's what it means to be a Christian' - take that (Nigerian Anglican Bishop) Peter Akinola. He also says there have been death threats and bomb threats (which I haven't read). - Wright At National Press Club This I didn't like. Neither did previous Wright defenders.
- Linden Labs is developing a hands free interface (inspired by the Segway. yes, I laughed) and Ren Reynolds sees sexual implications. The dirty bastard. HT. J. Gould.
- Chinese execute Tibetans - "they're shooting them like dogs". NSFW video.
- Also NSFW video, Amnesty International's new anti-waterboarding advert
- World Leaders. From FirstPost. Far, far funnier 3D than Headcases.
- TES: Liberate and disseminate. How Parliament is handling access to Hansard - you must pay! HT: Radio 4.
- Among the archives: America does it bigger and better Guardian reviews Photography museum websites.
'In the Science Museum, for example, you will find the best selection of photographs online in the Science and Society Photo Library under the heading Doing Business with Us.' - How children’s rights are violated on Facebook Mail & Guardian (CapeTown) - just one form letter after another. Crap customer service kills companies in the end.
- Remaining posts from TechPresident from the Politics Web 2.0 conference in London (all fascinating):
- The Rise of Trickle-Up Politics
- Lessons from Dean, John Kerry and Beppe Grillo
- Visibility Reach, Participation, & Peer Production
- Facebook and Clustering of Ideological Types
- Rating Candidate Sites, Dealing with Communication Overload
- And finally, is this not the classic example of a Moral Panic? From the Daily Mail: 'How the web stole our children: Chilling report reveals under-16s spend more than 20 hours a week online'
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