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Tuesday, May 20

Support aboriginal people, tell the FCO how

Did you know that the Labour government is failing to support international conventions for indigenous peoples?

It's not at all publicised but the UK Foreign Office is one of the world's most bankrupt when it comes to looking after indigenous peoples. That's you, master Miliband.

Well, there's a new push to get them to change their tiny minds

ILO 169 is the only international law for tribal peoples. It will become the world’s benchmark when more governments agree to it. Those that don’t ratify it make it weaker.

The UK has refused to ratify ILO 169 on the basis that there are no tribal peoples in the country. But this ignores the impact of British companies and development projects on the lives of tribal peoples across the world. Never mind our historic responsibility.

Act Now

Put pressure on the government to ratify ILO 169. There are several ways you can do this:


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